Is Massage Only A Spa Treatment? Closing the Gap and Making Massage An Option For Injury and Pain Relief

Written by Jo Hodges, LMT PA#MSG015344

The sun is finally shining! The Groundhog said early Spring, and now the 60-degree weather days are here! You plan a little walk around Presque Isle, you sign your family up for more outdoor activities, you start to transition your closet from heavy Winter sweaters to t-shirts… And then, of course, your plans are put aside by some sort of injury. Maybe you tripped over your garden tools, went too hard during a game of Pickleball, or just woke up with old aches and pains brought on by the indecisive weather – no matter what, you need help with your injury so you can get back up and enjoy the sunshine! When thinking of treatments, does massage pop into your mind? 

Even though massage is usually seen as part of a spa day, massage therapists are a very active part of popular sports teams, helping your favorite athletes heal from the kind of injuries they can get on the field or court. A well-known treatment in the sports community, Walker and others talk about the benefits of massage for injuries, even going as far as to say that massage is a key step of recovery from any kind of injury. “Muscle memory” is a common term in the field of massage, meaning your muscles remember the trauma inflicted from an injury, and can cause you pain for years to come. This is the case with sports injuries, car accidents, or even an accident moving furniture for Spring cleaning. Massage can even help with preventing injuries, increasing range of motion, mobility, and reducing pain to make you more confident and comfortable in your body!

As is the case with any injury treatment, including chiropractic care and physical therapy, finding the right fit is the most important part of the process. Lots of clients think that a deeper pressure is going to solve their pain, even if it hurts them – this is not a good way to help your body to recover! As we’ve said time and time again, listening to your own body is crucial in self-care, and it’s no different when in recovery. For some people, therapeutic massage is the piece they’re missing in a treatment plan; for others, light to medium pressure might be all you need to help with circulation, stress relief, lymph flow for swelling, and reduction of scar tissue. 
Many of the therapists we have as a part of our wonderful team at Monacella Massage & Kinesiology specialize in working with injuries, pain relief, and auto accident recovery, including our therapist Ryan Logan (PA#MSG014676), who is on the path to become certified in Medical Massage! Our therapists Abby Weech (PA#MSG012460) and Abigayle Parry (PA#MSG015454) also offer therapeutic massage at Rise Up Physical Therapy on 2311 W. 15th Street for pain relief away from the noise and rush of Downtown Erie. If you’re thinking of fitting massage into your treatment plan, consult with your doctor and give us a call at (814) 838-3622 – your muscles will thank you! April is a month to nationally celebrate driving awareness, youth sport safety, public health, and World Health Day, so stay alert in work, school and your hobbies! Happy Spring to you all.


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