New Year, New You! Resolutions to Keep Your Body At It’s Best

Written by Jo Hodges, LMT MSG#015344

It’s no secret that we all struggle to keep up with resolutions. 59% of young Americans and 54% of parents make resolutions, with almost half of them committing to multiple projects. Before the new year even starts, we look in the mirror and say we will go to the gym more this year, we will start eating healthier, we will become the best version of ourselves – this year will be the year! Then work calls in the middle of your pep talk, and you’ve suddenly got a million other things on your plate, pushing your promises to the side. By the next December, you’re repeating the well-known mantra and making the same vow on New Year’s Eve; “I will be better.”.

So, why is it so hard for us to follow through when it comes to ourselves? What block do we have in our minds that lets us care for our children, spouses, siblings, and others, but not for us? Milkman at The Washington Post gives us some insight into the science behind resolutions, including methods such as extra motivation and “piggybacking” conducted in studies at different universities. The “motivation” path implies doing an activity for at least a month straight to get your brain used to the actions, encouraging you to form a cycle. The “piggybacking” path pairs two or more activities together, like flossing every time you brush your teeth, so that your body eventually starts to default to both things as a habit. Regardless of the method used, the idea is to make a habit of taking care of you, instead of it being an item that never gets crossed off on your neverending to-do list. 

You can use these methods with massage to improve your lifestyle, whether you see a massage therapist for pain relief, stress reduction, as a gift from someone else, or just to relax! If you’re suffering from a disorder that causes chronic pain, you might need that push to get a consistent schedule going, and start the path to managing your aches and pains with massage. If you’re already going through alternate treatments like chiropractic or physical therapy, a massage before or after an adjustment could be the thing you need to get the last of that bad crick in your neck out. Therapeutic touch is a fantastic tool for mental, physical, emotional, and social health, and the very tip of the iceberg that the world of self-care provides for you.

If you’re interested in making one of your New Year’s resolutions with us, give our office a call! You never know how it’s going to go unless you take that first step. Taking care of yourself is a crucial step in the right direction, and helps with not only your everyday life, but the people you love and care about around you. Happy New year, and stay committed to those resolutions, no matter how small or big they may be!


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